Sunday, February 8, 2009

Study Tour Weekend!

I had my first adventure around Denmark this weekend. Wednesday, my European Business Strategy class had a study tour to a bioteck company called Genzyme. They make enzymes and treatments for people with very rare diseases. The company visit was interesting but a little irrelevant when they started showing us how the grow cartilage to repair a knee. 

Thursday, I woke up bright and early and headed downtown to meet my group on our bus in Kalenbourg. It is a small town in Western Denmark where we were  having another company visit. That night we checked into our hostel and met some of the local kids. Then in the morning we headed to Arhus which is the second largest city in Denmark aside from Copenhagen. There we visited Pressalit, which is a luxury toilet seat manufacturer. This was the most interesting visit of the whole trip because we got to see a seat being made from start to finish. That night we met some other DIS kids at our hostel and explored the town of Arhus. Saturday morning we went to a REALLY cool modern art museum called ARoS. They had some really interesting modern art including a new collection called digital art which was very unique. After the museum, we had some lunch and went on a scavenger hunt around the city. We needed to run around a little bit because we had a 4 hour bus ride back to Copenhagen ahead of us. 

I was so happy to get home even though I met some really great kids. It was nice to have some peace and quiet. Everyone went out but I didn't get home until 8:30pm and I have a cold so I really wanted to stay in and rest. 

Today, I have a little bit of work to do. Classes are really picking up and I have my first test on Thursday!

This coming weekend is Valentine's Day and I think Jillian and I are going to go on a date! My 21st birthday is only 15 days away and then we're off to Amsterdam! 

My schedule is really picking up as the semester gets under way. There is so much to see and do and I'm beginning to feel pressed to get it done! I'm sure I'll find a way!

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