Thursday, January 29, 2009

We call ourselves - The Group

Classes are officially under way. I'm taking 12 hours so I will have plenty of time for travel and fun. I really like my Holocaust & Genocide class and I also think that my International Finance class is really interesting. The teacher is really cool and totally wacky.

We had out first real weekend out last weekend. On Friday, DIS hosted a Welcome party at a club called LUUX. It was fun to see everyone out together and get a taste of Danish nightlife. One interesting thing they do here is that you have to check your coat everywhere you go. When you go to a club, they make you check your coat before you can go in and it't not FREE! Nightlife gets pretty expensive here. Saturday, our contact people at Tasingegade took us on a pub crawl. It turned out to be more of a "walk all over the city and get lost" crawl. But it was fun to get out and meet some Danes at the different places we went.
Sunday was a big recovery day. Jim and I decided to go on an exploration walk around the city. We found this HUGE park that goes on for miles and cirlces around the soccer stadium. We walked around for hours and had a really fun time.

However, when it was time to go home, we saw the street we needed to be on but we decided to try to take a different route. We ended up walking 2 hours south of where we actually lived. In the end, it was a LONG day and we were exausted when we got home but it was fun to get out and see the city.

"The Group" consists of me, Jillian, Jim, Drew, Alex and Jordan. We all live in the same building and we've all naturally bonded. On wednesday, we went to this amazing AMERICAN breakfast place. It was just what we needed after a long night out.

AND! exciting!! we booked our first trip! We are going to Amsterdam the weekend after my birthday. We are going to go for 3 nights so we will get back Monday morning. I'm so excited to check out the city!

Next weekend, we have a short study tour with our program. Mine is going to Western Denmark and visiting some Danish companies that we have to do a written report on. We take a bus to all the places and then stay over night in hostels. DIS provides some of the meals and then we have the nights free. I think the trip will be fun, but I don't know anyone in my class so I'm a little nervous.

I'm also very excited to report that....Tyler is coming! For his spring break! While the trip has no been confirmed, he's waiting to hear back from a friend in London, but nonetheless...he's coming!!!

Tonight we're making tacos for the boys. I'm craving Mexican so it should be a good night.

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