Thursday, January 22, 2009

Honeymoon Phase

We had our first beautiful, sunny day on Wednesday!! It was warm (relatively) and the sunny was shining through the buildings. Jillian and I let ourselves sleep in Wednesday morning, until about 1:30pm. We really needed to catch up on sleep and we felt SO much better. When we woke up, we ate some cereal that we had managed to buy at the grocery store on tuesday. We thought we'd be able to tell what everything was just by looking at it, but that was NOT the case. Just buying milk was a tricky task. Finally we got some items and we've even tried some new things like Danish yogurt and Danish chips. Of course we had to buy Nutella as well.

My room is finally feeling cozy. We bought some candles for the ledge by our window, a rug for our floor and bathroom, and some posters to bring some color. I really need a new pillow because the one they gave us is flat and lumpy. The room isn't so bad anymore. I actually really like our location. We get a chance to see more of the city and we know how to use the bus and train like pros now.

Wednesday night we decided to venture to a place near us called Cafe Paris for dinner. It was our last horrah before classes started the next day. We all had pizza (mainly because that's all we could understand). We're still getting used to the money here and we're trying not to convert it in our heads.
Jillian and I both had 8:30 am class this morning and when we left to walk to the bus it was still really dark. I had European Business Strategy. It is the core class for the IBE program and it is the class that we go on our study tour to Berlin/Prague with. I don't know anyone in my class and I'm not sure if I'm going to have any best friends in my class, but we'll see. After class, I had about 3 hours to kill before my next class. We needed to get some school supplies so we headed to Tiger and then got some lunch at our favorite bagel/sandwich shop. We're becoming regulars there. We also went for a walk on Stroget, the main (tourist) shopping street in Copenhagen.
My next class was Holocaust and Genocide. Thankfully, Drew is in my class so that was comforting. The teacher has a strong accent but the class seems like it will be very interesting. My economics teacher is holding another class tonight since he's going to be missing a week, so I have class from 6-9 tonight and then my regular class tomorrow.

We've all decided that we want to try this bike thing. EVERYONE rides bikes here and they have their own lane! There is a place that we can rent bikes for 180kr a month, which is only about $30. It's a great way to get around. Drew got one today and he has already biked home on it. I took the bus leaving at the same time and I got home at the same time as him! Jillian and I are going to go on Saturday to the bike place and check it out. I'm going to try it for a month.

I have finally started to fill in my calendar. Turns out we have a lot going on. Drew, Jim, Jillian and I are going to sit down on sunday and try and plan out our spring break. We want to go to Italy and somewhere else. Then we're also thinking of going to Amsterdam for my birthday!

Everyone says we're still in the "honeymoon phase" of culture shock, Everything is new and exciting and we're not bothered by the climate yet. But they say it's coming...

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