Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

SOOOOO much as happened over the past few weeks! I haven't been keeping up! Where do I begin!?!?

A few weeks ago we went to the ICEBAR in Copenhagen. The bar is located in Hotel TwentySeven and they have a bar inside made out of ice. The drinks are served in ice glasses and you have to wear these really cool capes and gloves. The experience was fun but a one time only thing. Overall, we had a really fun weekend. On Valentine's Day, a few of us went to see "He's Just Not That Into You". It was really cute and the theaters here are really nice. 

Tuesday we went to the Norrebro Bryghus for a tour and tasting. We had some awesome beers and we stole a few glasses! I can't wait to take Tyler for a tasting when he comes in 19 days! 

FC Kobenhaven (futboll/soccer team) played Manchester City on thursday night and we all made a split second decision to go to the game. It was freezing and snowing the whole time but it was SO much fun! The crowd stands and sings the whole time. Copenhagen tied Manchester City in the last 2 minutes! It was a very exciting game. I'm also going to take Tyler to a game when he comes. 

Friday night we went to a pub down the street called Magraths. We took over the whole place. The bartender gave me a free Guiness shirt and tons of free Fisk shots! Fisk is this really cheap alcohol in denmark that tastes like cough syrup, but it grows on you. 

Saturday night we were all pretty tired after recovering from the night before. It was snowing a lot so we decided to venture out to a movie instead of the bars. We went to see Doubt. It was ok but I thought it had a weak ending. 

Today (Sunday) we went to visit Jillian's visiting family. Today is Fastlhaven in Denmark and it's sort of like Halloween. The kids all dress up and hit barrels until they break. They used to have a cat inside but today they just have candy. Then Stine made me a wonderful birthday cakes and they gave me some presents! It was really sweet to be able to celebrate with them. 

My 21st birthday is on tuesday and I'm so excited! Even though we're not celebrating in America, I'm sure it will still be so fun! 

So now for the travel plans!!! Here we go:

Feb. 27th - March 2nd = Amsterdam
March 6 - 9 = Budapest 
March 14 - 19 = Tyler comes! 
March 21-28 = Berlin and Prague study tour
March 29 - April 3 = Ireland adventure trip
April 3 - April 13 = Nice, Cinque Terra, Florence, Rome 
April 17 - 18 = Cruise to Oslo??
April 24 - 25 = Holocaust & Genocide Trip (concentration camp)
April 29 - May 3 = Mom comes! 
May 16 - ? = Barcelona with Tyler?!?!
Program over!!!!! 

BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!!!! But I am so excited!! Trains, hostels, budget food, beaches, is going to be SO AMAZING!! 

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