Friday, April 3, 2009

The Irish are so damn lucky!


I spent the second week of my travel break in Connemara, Ireland. IRELAND IS AMAZING!!!

We spent the week at the Delphi Adventure Resort in the West Coast of Ireland. The irish countryside is so incredibly beautiful, full of mountains, sheep and rolling green hills. It was love at first sight! The adventure resort was awesome. We had amazing gourmet meals and the whole place was so cozy.

We arrived on Sunday afternoon and checked into the resort. There were 8 girls in our room and one sink, talk about morning madness! That night we had this AWESOME meal of soup, salmon and apple tart with butterscotch sauce! Then we met our guides and they took us on a "bog walk" This "walk" was a 2 hour hike in the dark through 1ft deep water and mud! It was so crazy! We had JUST arrived and we were literally throw right into the mud. We all ruined our shoes and came back soaking wet. But we had a BLAST!

Monday: We woke up at 7:30am and had an awesome breakfast. Then we headed out for team building challenges at the ropes course. After lunch we went surfing, yes I said it, March in the west coast of Ireland. It was absolutely freezing, wet suits and all. The cold water stole your breath everytime you went under. But it was a sunny day and an amazing experience. We warmed up by the fire with our books before another mouth watering meal.

Tuesday: We went for a hike in Connemara National Park. We hiked up this HUGE 1000ft mountain. It was absolutely gorgeous! I got a little nervous at the peak but it was so cool to climb through the clouds! We had lunch at the top and then made our way back down. After the hike, they took us into town for some beers and a snack. We ended the night with yet ANOTHER amazing meal.

Wednesday: We started the morning with team raft building. I must say that this was my least favorite activity because it was freezing and our raft sank and I had to be resuced from the freezing water because I was about to pass out. We went back for lunch and then headed out to the rock wall. I knew this activity was coming all week and I knew that regardless of my fear of heights, I was going to climb that damn wall. I was the second person to go. I made it all the way up with hardly any pauses! Then I had to repel down the other side. That part was hard because I had to lower myself over an edge, but I DID IT! I got over my fear and did the whole thing.

Thursday: We drove into Dublin and spend the afternoon and night there. Sam and I walked around the city and then we went on a Musical Pub crawl that night. Dublin was really fun, but I think I'm a country girl at heart.

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