Friday, February 25, 2011

2 year Anniversary

Ok so you're totally like "this is so weird, why is she posting on her blog from when she was abroad...that was two years ago...get over it...move on" But no, today I was feeling very sentimental about being abroad! In fact, 2 years ago yesterday, I was celebrating my 21st birthday in Copenhagen with some great new friends. I've stayed in touch with most of those friends including Mary, Matt, Arden, Greg, and Brian to name a few. It's pretty amazing to realize that I spent almost 6 months traveling Europe and yet the whole experience is so fresh in my brain. Last night, as we celebrated my 23 years of life over drinks at Gingerman - I was reminded of all the amazing birthdays we celebrated while I was in Denmark. February was an especially busy month as we celebrated Max, Nicole, Colin, Taylor and Brian's birthdays'! We also celebrated several other birthdays mainly Mary and Matt's (the only other two worth mentioning, love you both). Most of us were turning 21 which is an exciting milestone, however since we were in Europe, we could all already drink...which pretty much defeated the purpose of turning 21 altogether. In any event, it was fun to celebrate these events with new friends in new locations and start new traditions!
The CPH gang headed out for dinner for my 21st Birthday

Sparklers on my birthday dessert

Celebrating Colin's birthday at this great micro-brewery

Taylor's birthday? My birthday? February Birthdays?