Friday, May 8, 2009

Mom does CPH!

Mom arrived on Wednesday morning (April 29)....and from then on it was non-stop walking, shopping and sightseeing. We went on a canal cruise and saw all the sights from the water. We shopped and bought souvenirs and I got some Georg Jensen daisy earrings! Thursday afternoon we went to Tivoli Gardens. It was SO AMAZING to see all the flowers but we avoided the rides. It was too bad that we couldn't stay until it got dark because there are SO many lights.

Friday we spent the day in Malmo, Sweden. It was Labor Day (May Day) so a lot of the stores were closed but it was fun to see the city and explore a new place. We had a great lunch on the board walk looking out across the water to Copenhagen. Friday night was Drew's 21st birthday party and we had fun at that. Mom got to meet all my friends and she enjoyed talking to the kids. 

Saturday we walked over to the palace and had dinner in Nyhavn right by the canal. Mom left sunday morning and I begged her to take me with her. She did take a whole bag of my stuff home including lots of my souvenirs! 

After she left, it was back to the grind. I had a final on thursday and a paper due thursday as well. I've been studying at DIS today because I have my econ final on monday and the finance one on wednesday. Both will be pretty hard. 

After that...I AM DONE! I get to board my plane to the states on saturday morning. I could not be more ready to go. Copenhagen has been great, but I am ready for America. I want to see Tyler and start earning some money instead of spending all of it.